JISC seeks feedback on its future strategy

08 11, 2009

December 2009 will see the launch of JISC's next three-year strategy and the organisation is seeking feedback on its first draft.

Professor Sir Tim O'Shea, chair of JISC's Board says, "Our core activity of supporting colleges and universities in delivering their missions through the effective use of digital technologies remains unchanged.

"However, in light of the changing environment, we are keen to know if our planned future investment priorities are focused on the areas of greatest importance to those in education and research."

Over the past nine months JISC has been talking with college and university mission groups and membership organisations, such as UUK and Guild HE, to inform an initial draft. This process has helped JISC to understand the key challenges facing higher education institutions and how JISC should respond.

Dr Malcolm Read OBE, JISC's executive secretary, says, "We would welcome comments on our draft strategy as these are vital if we are to deliver a digital infrastructure that improves the quality and productivity of education and research."

To take this opportunity to provide feedback please visit the strategy section1of JISC’s website.

We would welcome responses as soon as possible; feedback is requested by close of play on 24 September 2009.
