NSLC Engages in Collaborative Exchange with European Open Science Infrastructure OpenAIRE

07 05, 2024

On June 17, 2024, the National Science Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (referred to as the “NSLC”) held a virtual meeting with OpenAIRE, a renowned international open science infrastructure organization, in order to explore potential collaboration in the field of open science. Liu Xiwen, Director of NSLC, attended the meeting and delivered an address. Relevant staff from the Open Science Research Center also attended the meeting. Natalia Manola, CEO of OpenAIRE, and Eloy Rodrigues, Vice-Chair of the Executive Board, and others participated in the meeting.


NSLC introduced its institutional operations and open science initiatives, while OpenAIRE presented its overview and its collaborations with members and partners. OpenAlRE, a key implementer of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), is a Non-Profit Partnership of 50 organizations, aiming to ensure a permanent open scholarly communication infrastructure to support European research.


Both sides exchanged views on OpenAIRE’s system architecture and explored future collaboration opportunities. NSLC will continue to promote collaborative matters with OpenAIRE. 
