Berlin 8 Open Access Conference

10 11, 2010


To share and discuss the strategies, policies, implementation mechanisms, sustainable infrastructures, and international collaboration for open access to information, especially those by governmental and funding agencies, research and education institutions, scholarly communications and knowledge organizations, to promote effective and sustainable open access in today’s and future digital research, education, and cultural environments.

The Berlin8 open access conference will first time come to the place outside Europe, in October 2010, Beijing, China. It will be co-host by Chinese Academy of Sciences and Max Planck Society, co-organized by National Science Library, CAS and Max Planck Digital Library.

Theme: Implementation Progress, Best Practices, and Future Challenges


·       Trends in international open scholarly communications and open access

·       Strategies and policies of planning and funding agencies

·       OA strategies, policies, and implementation of R&D institutions

·       Open data and open education

·       Legal and economical issues in OA

·       Administrative and operational issues in implementing OA

·       Supporting infrastructure for sustainable OA

·       OA in the world

You are cordially invited to take part in the Berlin8 Open Access! Waiting for you in the autumn of Beijing.
