Information Analysis |
To provide information services for S&T decision-making and strategic planning of CAS.
To undertake the strategic and policy research and support the strategic research and management of CAS.
To be an integral and institutional unit of National Science Think Tank.
Through our dedication to high-quality research and analysis, the information analysis service will help improving policy and decision-making of CAS and related institutions in China.
To keep track of the new ideas, concepts, insights and strategies of the important international organizations and dominant countries on socio-economic development and S&T development.
To conduct research in comparing the competing pattern of international and domestic research units.
To evaluate scientific and technologic policy, structure, and layout for decision-making and planning for CAS and the country.
To analyze the critical trends, main plans, key technologies, significant policy and competition situations in selected research fields, which the institutes and innovation base of CAS focus on greatly.
Research Highlights
We provided a large amount of systematic information analysis products, all dedicated to supporting decision-making and innovation research for administrations, research bases, research institutes of CAS and many other national organizations.
Dozens of newsletters, outlooks, and analysis reports were produced periodically (monthly or annually) and reports and surveys on special issues about S&T were delivered according to the various demands from related sectors.

Research Facilities
We have been taking great efforts to improve the capacity and service of information analysis by building up several platforms based on computer and networks technology.
“Analysis Platform for Strategic Information” is an integrated platform to analyze the S&T strategic information by several tools and literatures based on bibliometrics.
“Shared Platform for Strategic Information” is a collection, sharing and management platform of all information analysis products.
“platform of integrative information service for strategic research of CAS” is a platform to access informations from multiple resources for Science decision maker and Strategy scientists. Platform integrated Strategy policy Resources, Technology industry resources, Socio-Economic resources, Scientific literaure resources, Dynamic Information of S&T and Monitoring insititutions. In 2012 the platform intergrates Global S&T institution database, Global S&T porject database as new features . The platform also provides S&T news and information alerts and RSS service.
“Scientific development trend Automatic Monitoring System” is a system servied as support making science development decisions. The system monintoring scientific activites of main countries and importent Global S&T insititutions by using Data collection, data extraction, text mining, bibliometrics, visualization technology. Suppport Science decision maker, Strategy scientists, information analysits acesses related real-time S&T developments trends and strategic trends.
“Knowledge Lab for Strategic Information” is a research environment where comprehensive and interactive information analysis can be held.
