SciThinkApp Released to Provide New Accurate Scientific Research Knowledge Service |
SciThinkApp was released on May 25 by National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Dr. Zhang Tao, vice president of CAS, attended the releasing ceremony and delivered a speech on behalf of CAS. Dr. Huang Chenguang , deputy director of Development Planning Bureau of CAS, Zhao Yan, deputy director of Science Communication Bureau of CAS, Peng Yiqi, director of the National Center for Science and Technology Literature, and other distinguished guests from research institutes and the publishing industry attended the event. SciThink App,a mobile knowledge service platform constructed by CAS aiming at providing one-stop knowledge service for scientists and researchers, is hailed as “edge tool in the pocket of scientists and researchers”. Since the trial versiondebuted last April, SciThinknow has multiple media platform, including App, WeChat and web page. The new and formal version of SciThink Appcan bring scientists the latest and personalized research news, massive scientific papers, cutting-edge industry reports and numerous electronic books. Besides, it also added science interaction function and bibliography management function, by cooperating with Mendeley of Elsevier and Endnote of Clarivate Analytics, both of which are professional software tools for publishing and managing bibliographies, citations and references on research papers. The new version of SciThink App also aims at constructing a global academic communication community for scientists and researchers, and promoting the mobile academic communication network, via joint efforts from Baidu Scholar and Microsoft Scholar. Zhang pointed out in his speech that the current flourish science and technology innovation activities require more intensive and demanding data and resources. Under the background of mobile and intellectualization, scientists and researchers have more demands for research information and research interaction. Facing such new situation, the National Science Library adhered to the “open, active and service” concept and developed the SciThink App timely. He praised that the SciThink App could effectively integrate all the digital literature resources of CAS and help scientists and researchers query, download and read science literature anytime and anywhere. “I and my colleagues have tried SciThink, and we all think it brings great conveniencesfor scientific research,” said he. National Science Library signed strategic cooperation agreement and memorandum about providing mobile knowledge service on SciThink App with Baidu, Microsoft, Mendeley, Clarivate Analytics, Taylor, IOP, ProQuest, CNKI, China National Publications Import & Export Corporation, Beijing Beike, and DRCnet during the ceremony. It also signed strategic cooperation agreement with China Society of Biotechnoly about built scientists network together. |

Distinguished guests launchSciThink together

Zhang Tao, Vice President of CAS, delivered a speech at the releasing ceremony

Huang Xiangyang, Director of National Science Library, present an in-depth introduction of SciThink App